To Lhasa to Leh!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

the route in detail.

Read backwards (as in we come from lhasa to Rutok Xian)

Rutok xian
4160 ASL occasional checkpoint. PSB!, international calls, bank of china, market, shops, turn left after the city for Ali

pass 4800 flat uphill until 1 km before top.

ALI 4370 MTS capital of ali prefecture, everything, hot shower, backpacker girls.$US cash to yuan - not travellers checks or VISA

pass 4735 by GPS. Turn left after Ali for shortcut. Don't follow telephone poles for 41 km longer nightmare road!

namru - old village, turn off to thölling
namru - new village, noodles, drinks, dormitory

4632 ASL by GPS. More like 7 km to pass.
basic food and beverage - -army base - basic food and beverage, shop, dormitory
basic food and beverage - -1

pass 4720 -

pass 4820 -

- important town. restaurants and shops. turn off to tirthapuri hot springs. Checkpoint at beginning of town.

river - difficult to cross,basic food and beverage - -

pass 4900

turn off darchen - after rivercrossing. Very bad road on downhill section. restaurants, shops, clothes, big rivercrossing just before town, small ones after town

turn off to purang -- shops, restaurant, gazoline station.

horqu - shops, restaurant, stuck up with supplies here. Turn left into the vally after town, not around the lake.

lake - Catch fish by hand. Very sandy road

mayun pass 5250 MTS ASL

tents and house - basic food and beverage

pass 4800

turn off to new zhongba - Big shops, restaurants, road-repair-station, internat. calls. 7 km.
1967 1703 22 first marker after misar - l----> N. Z. Turn left for town just after entering the big

old zhongba - basic food and beverage, shop, road-repair-station-road-repair-station - -

pass 5000

road-repair-station - -
road-repair-station - -

pass 4930 MST ASL

saga 4510
important town. restaurants and shops, etc. turn off to zhangmu. end of highway 219

ferry crossing - 2,5 Y per vehicle or free

pass 4830

pass 4860 Very bad road!

pass 4946

nature preserve center - basic food and beverage, sleep when open, checkpoint?
roadsplit - Turn left up into the pass just after the bridge

pass 5011

4 reaching highway 318 4600 Entering between a dobbelt pass

pass 5150

5 road-repair-station 4900 end of descending, begin of ascending. basic food and beverage. sleep. 4882 by GPS

pass 5120

village 4580 road-repair-station road-repair-station - -
2339 5326 8 road-repair-station - army base

nyalam 3810 important town, checkpoint before entering town
2389 5375 31 checkpoint - -

zhangmu 2800 important town, chinese border.

We Join here from the road from Lhasa...

kodari - nepalese border town


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