To Lhasa to Leh!

Sunday, January 15, 2006

what if we changed the route a bit - and avioded Kailsh/Mansarovar -

...... and instead headed more north into TIbet - going on the road to Quinghai province - and then turning off to cut right accross the famous 'chang - tang' valley (a cold desert with lost of wildlife)...

....... and then come down to Rutok - then - Ali (Shiquanhe) head south along NH 219 to Gartok and then hopefully eneter india via the indus.

Anything is possible! After seeing the images of 'Chang tang' and reading about it in the NG MAG - its got me thinking..


  • You've got to be kidding! Dude we have to go through Kailash/Mansarovar! Its going to be one of the biggest highs of the journey. Lets think about it.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:36 PM  

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